Easy work with Melody!

Melody is a native web solution. It is quick and intuitive to use. No more heavy, long and expensive deployments.

Discover the process

Timeline of a typical project.

Melody embodies agility at all levels and its implementation is a further illustration of this. Its very intuitive interface allows it to be taken in hand in a few hours (1/2 day) by all contributors. We considerably reduce project time and costs.



Try of Melody before buying.

Before any contract, we offer you a trial phase. For this, we give you free access to a trial version of Melody, to which we can integrate some of your standards.
You also have the possibility to visit the editorial office of one of our clients with whom you share similarities in organization or project. This will allow you to observe the use of the solution in real conditions.

Try Melody



Collection and integration of customer data.

  • Modeling of graphic forms
  • Integration of advertising formats
  • Transfer of skills

  • Setting up users, groups and roles
  • Channel definitions



Training and support for your team.

We believe that any change, to be successful, must be accompanied.
We guide our customers through the change process and adapt the solution to their work methodology. After a very short training period - about half a day - we assist the teams in using Melody. This presence secures and makes the learning process more reliable.

Guides and FAQs are available at any time from Melody.

  • We train your teams to use our tools, with Qualiopi certified training. In addition, each profession has its own training program.

  • Our teams work with you to adapt the tool to your organization and your title(s).

  • We work with you throughout the entire project: before, during and after the implementation of Melody, your interlocutors are the same from beginning to end.
  • We offer you a constant support service.
    In particular, we are pleased to offer you this service at no extra cost and unlimited.

  • Satisfaction with 2023 training courses: 9/10

Who are we?



You are ready to produce!

Our teams work day after day to make our tool better, faster, more functional, according to the feedback from our customers, our own observations and our desires for evolution.

When you use Melody, these new features or bug fixes are automatically and immediately updated, without you having to do or pay anything.

Contact us